Dans le dernier numéro du magazine scientologue IAS Impact, David Miscavige, leader de la secte, déclare victoire sur Anonymous.
Extraits (pages 14 et 15):
«The next victory (...) In this case it was a party of mask-wearing subversive and anarchistic Internet denizens, that one may or may not have heard of inasmuch as they prefer to remain "anonymous". Their stock in trade was tromenting the helpless under a nasty little slogan of "laugh out loud the misfortune of others".
But having run into the Church of Scientology, they are no longer laughing out loud or otherwise. Nor are they any longer anonymous. After tracking down their ringleader, the Church cordially introduced them to all the right circles, including the Electronic Crimes Division of US Secret Service, the Federal Bureau of investigation and US Homeland Security.
Unmasked, they were revealed not as a trio of dastardly villains they aspired to be, but more akin to cartoon characters. Anonymous is no more, they now not only have names, but also mug shots and numbers-for, having been convicted of their crimes, they just went to a federal penitentiary.»
Il s'agit d'une des premières, ou même de la première fois que Miscavige parle publiquement d'Anonymous. Ceci est lourd de sens.
Anonymous n'a pourtant pas disparu. Ils sont partout, dernièrement jusqu'en Argentine et en Israël.
L'IAS est l'Association Internationale des Scientologues, une organisation qui «rege» ses membres. C'est-à-dire qu'elle les sollicite pour obtenir d'énormes dons en argent.
La déclaration de Miscavige n'est pas désintéressée. Elle vise à rassurer les adeptes et à les amener à soutenir financièrement la secte. La secte voit-elle ce soutien lui faire défaut?
Extraits (pages 14 et 15):
«The next victory (...) In this case it was a party of mask-wearing subversive and anarchistic Internet denizens, that one may or may not have heard of inasmuch as they prefer to remain "anonymous". Their stock in trade was tromenting the helpless under a nasty little slogan of "laugh out loud the misfortune of others".
But having run into the Church of Scientology, they are no longer laughing out loud or otherwise. Nor are they any longer anonymous. After tracking down their ringleader, the Church cordially introduced them to all the right circles, including the Electronic Crimes Division of US Secret Service, the Federal Bureau of investigation and US Homeland Security.
Unmasked, they were revealed not as a trio of dastardly villains they aspired to be, but more akin to cartoon characters. Anonymous is no more, they now not only have names, but also mug shots and numbers-for, having been convicted of their crimes, they just went to a federal penitentiary.»
Il s'agit d'une des premières, ou même de la première fois que Miscavige parle publiquement d'Anonymous. Ceci est lourd de sens.
Anonymous n'a pourtant pas disparu. Ils sont partout, dernièrement jusqu'en Argentine et en Israël.
L'IAS est l'Association Internationale des Scientologues, une organisation qui «rege» ses membres. C'est-à-dire qu'elle les sollicite pour obtenir d'énormes dons en argent.
La déclaration de Miscavige n'est pas désintéressée. Elle vise à rassurer les adeptes et à les amener à soutenir financièrement la secte. La secte voit-elle ce soutien lui faire défaut?