Des édifices de la scientologie ont droit à d'importantes exemptions fiscales. Par exemple, le siège social londonien de la secte a pu épargner 1,3 millions de livres (environ 2,6 millions de dollars canadiens) en taxes foncières.
Interrogé par la journal, Pickles justifie sa prise de position:
Notons qu'en Australie, une commission parlementaire se penche actuellement sur les avantages fiscaux de la scientologie. Quand viendra le tour au Québec et du Canada?"Tolerance and freedom of expression are important British values, but this does not mean that the likes of Church of Scientology deserve favoured tax treatment over and above other business premises
"The Church of Scientology is not a registered charity, since the Charity Commission has ruled that it does not provide a public benefit. Nor are its premises a recognised place of worship.
"Councils may award charitable relief. They should take into consideration the Charity Commission's rulings when weighing up whether to do so.
"I do not believe the majority of the public would want their own council to be giving special tax breaks to such a controversial organisation."